What do most Japanese think about the conflict(Israel-Gaza)?

In my first post on this subreddit, as an Israeli, I’m curious about Japan and the perspectives of its people on the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict.

Moreover, I’m interested in gauging opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Recognizing the complexity of the issue, I understand that viewpoints may vary based on personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and political beliefs. Engaging in respectful conversations here could provide valuable insights into the diverse perspectives surrounding this sensitive topic.

Feel free to share your thoughts or pose questions. Exploring different viewpoints fosters a more comprehensive understanding of these global events.


  1. Some people support Israel, some support Palestine, majority are indifferent or prefer no war and likely want to not be involved.

    Though on my commute today, I noticed the man next to me watching a video that looked like conspiracy theories mixed with religion in relation to ongoing events there.

  2. Japan generally leans on the pro Israel side from a government standpoint due to its relationship with the US. But there isn’t much, if any, talk of the war itself here.

  3. The general consensus is it’s not our war so we should stay out of it. Same thing in other East Asian countries. But if Japan had to pick a side they would side with Israel because of military cooperation deals.

  4. Most people aren’t informed/concerned enough to have an opinion either way. The general consensus is “war is bad, hope it ends soon”

  5. Japanese people who studied world history in high school in Japan have learned that Britain is fundamentally at fault for border troubles in the Middle East. But we won’t say it to your face.

  6. There seems to be an indifference, or maybe just not so much of a focus on it in Japan as compared to elsewhere. Which is a good thing for Israelis in Japan, bc there are unfortunate antisemitism incidents across the U.S. and other countries right now. As well as anti-Palestine. Sad times.

  7. I am Japanese. I think the Japanese media is very supportive of Palestine. Many reports criticize the attacks on Gaza.They report on Israel’s past and the influence of Israelis in the world, which can never be broadcast in the West.Why can’t the West criticize Israel? This is the kind of content we are talking about.Of course, the Japanese government is supportive of Israel. The media is not.

    The Japanese government supports Israel, but it also expresses support for Palestine.
    Japan is probably the only G7 country that sends relief supplies to Palestine.

  8. Obviously it doesn’t speak for the whole country, etc. But there was a pro Palestinian protest At Shibuya station last night.

  9. I am Japanese.In a survey of 12,000 people regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,

    25% of the Japanese respondents were interested in the conflict and understood its content well.

    37% of the Japanese respondents were interested in the conflict, but did not understand it well

    .From here, my personal opinion is that the Japanese are pro-Palestine.

    There are several reasons

    The first is that Israel is openly killing civilians. Japan has not been killing civilians since WW2, so the sight of a state like Israel killing civilians in the 21st century is extremely disgusting and makes me unable to support Israel from a moral standpoint.

    Second, the root cause of this conflict is the negative legacy of British imperialism, and the Palestinians are considered to be the one-sided victims.

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