Immigration question/woes

I have been here for 12 years and just got a 5 year extension again back in January when a coworker asked me why I didn’t just get permanent residency. I hadn’t actually thought about it but, not having to go through the renewal process sounded nice. So I applied for it when I picked up my new residence card and never heard back from them. I figured I wasn’t going to get approved. I just got approved yesterday. So I came in today and brought all my information plus my sponsor’s (wife) info, but I forgot my passport. Which led to a question: why do I need to bring it when I have a brand new residence card? They checked it already and a copy is in my file for sure. I asked the man at the counter why they need it from me, considering the situation, but his response was classic Japanese bureaucracy.
– “I’m sorry, you need your passport”
-“You have my brand new card in your hand”
-“it’s not brand new, you got it in January”
-“it’s good for 5 years. You have my passport on file”
-“I am sorry, you need your passport”

It’s like an old RPG where there’s only so many responses programmed in and once you get through them all, it resets.
Sometimes Japan makes no sense.

  1. It’s such a double edged sword. If there is a checklist, and most things here have one, it is a go/no-go for every single item. There is no supervisor you can talk to, or case-by-case basis, either you meet the requirements or you don’t. But, it means everything is very fair, and I appreciate that.

    I used to be the type of person that just showed up with an armful of stuff and just “made it work” but I’ve learned to prepare a clear file at least a week in advance, make copies of everything, print out a copy of the checklist, use sticky tabs etc lol. Getting my first CoE was a pain, but it’s been a lot better since lol.

  2. Your Japan resident card & your government issued passport are different. They are just doing their job. What if there’s only details available in your passport that they need to verify at this point in time? Example someone get’s deported from multiple countries & it shows in your passport.

    I know I would not be able to just tell them “You have a copy of my passport somewhere” for anything back in the US.

  3. At what country OP thinks bureaucrats can laugh off and forgive you for not bringing required documents as if they are your childhood friends?

    They do what they are told and make no exception nor want to take extra liability. Who knows what if you burnt your passports two days ago

  4. asking for your passport is part of that official’s duties

    it is not up to him to decide whether to ask for it or not

    he does not even have to think about that

  5. The card is, when it comes down to it, *their* document. The passport is *your* document. Why do you think they would want to confirm their document instead of yours?

  6. Iirc, they staple a document in your passport saying your residency card is with immigration while your residency card is being reissued. Once you get your new card, they take the document out of the passport and give you the new residency card. I always thought that was the reason why they need your passport.

  7. When you applied for PR, they should have stamped or stapled something in your passport. I’m pretty sure I had something. They need to take it out, so…I mean, there are any number of reasons they would want your passport, all legitimate. It may or may not be necessary in your specific case, but that’s not your decision to make. Instead of blaming ‘bureaucrats’ maybe blame the muppet that didn’t bring along the most obvious piece of ID you have.


    There’s not a country in the world where immigration would just shrug and say ‘oh, you didn’t bring a required piece of identification, oh well’.

  8. While I understand your concerns, it might be advisable to gain more experience and maturity before applying for PR in Japan. You may get asked for many more documents before the process is over and if you question something as simple as this, question if a five year visa is not a better option.

    Asking for a passport is a standard requirement for processing, as everyone in Japan who has PR underwent this procedure. When JI takes your passport, they provide an official receipt, which is valid for police and embassy checks. Though it’s natural to be cautious in unfamiliar circumstances, in this case, your reluctance was misplaced and, honestly, a colossal mistake.

  9. In what country can you not show your passport when you need to and they will say “ya no worries bro!” 😂😂😂

    If it was me, I’d be like fuck this asshole, no PR for you!! ,😆😂

  10. Administrations the world over have a list of things you need to accomplish whatever task you’re trying to do, if the list says a passport, that’s what you need.

    This isn’t a Japan only thing, try going to a German or UK or Chinese or Singaporean or US government office (countries I’ve lived in) without the right listed documents and you’d have the same results and inflexibility.

    At least in Japan the list of what you need is clear and public and not vague and up to whoever’s working that day’s mood or whim, and you don’t need to include any extra “application fees” in a separate, unmarked envelope either….

  11. Yes, sometimes Japan makes no sense. But this is not one of those times.

    Just look at the list of required documents, bring them.

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