Invitation to 2023 Online Bounennkai :)

Hi everyone!

Nice to meet you 😊

My name is Masahiko Kitaya.

How are you?

How’s your studying going?

(To those who sat the JLPT, otsukaresamadeshita🙇‍♂️)

I am a Japanese language teacher and I also belong to a Japanese language learning community called Asao Language School.


(We offer lessons and cultural / social activities online and in person.)

I would like to let you know that we are having a free online casual get-together event “2023 Online Bounennkai” at the following link from 21:00 on Saturday 16 December JST.


Would you like to join us?

We are welcoming everybody who is interested in Japanese language and culture 😌

In this event, learners and teachers are getting together and enjoying chatting (in a mix of English and Japanese) while playing Japanese language quizzes together.

If you are interested, please sign up at the following link. You will be receiving your language quiz.


During the event, please talk to other participants especially teachers to answer your quiz, they will help you 😊

If you can answer your quiz by the end of the party, you will get a chance to win one of the following prizes in a lottery!

\*\*Gold Prize\*\*:
Matsusaka Beef for Sukiyaki 500g (8,400 JPY)

\*\*Silver Prize\*\*:
Ise Umashi Pork for Pork Steak 750g (4,360JPY)

\*\*Bronze Prize\*\*:
Matsusaka miso-marinated Chicken 900g (2,260JPY)
If you live outside of Japan, we will send you an eGift card instead 😊

Our events are always very relaxed and you can pop in and out of the room anytime.

We do this purely for fun. Let’s get to know each other a little bit and celebrate the end the year together 😌

I have made similar posts about other online events before so some of you might already know me 🙇‍♂️

If you have questions and requests, please feel free to let me know.


The more, the merrier!



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