Switching between hiragana and katakana

On Android devices, is there a way to make the Japanese keyboard display katakana instead of hiragana?

  1. You type in hiragana then use the autofill menu to get your desired katakana or kanji.

  2. Another alternative is to get Google handwriting keyboard and draw the katakana yourself. It’s good practice.

  3. No it’s not, or at least I have never seen it on regular keyboards you can get for your phone or computer. You may try to look for a specific app (like カタカナキーボード or something like that), but since no one usually directly types in katakana I’m not sure it exists.

  4. I wondered the same but a friend told me that it wouldn’t be as efficient as it sounds because words that are supposed to be written in katakana like カタカナ will always show up in katakana in the recommendations, and if it’s a word that is really uncommon or made up, it will normally show it in katakana too

  5. So I’ve been googelong like hell for the last 15 minutes mate… You’re either screwed, or forced to learn Hiragana properly.

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