Commuter Pass Confusion – charged at stations along my route

I have a Pasmo monthly commuter pass (定期券) that from my understanding should allow me to get off and on anywhere along my route (Hibiya Line/Tobu Skytree Line). However, when I leave my home station and exit halfway along the route at Ueno station I get charged 178円. Likewise, when I enter at Ueno station and exit at my home I get charged the same amount.

I sometimes get off one station before my workplace station, and get no such deduction.

Are there stations that do charge commuter pass users even if they’re on the route?

EDIT: My route is exclusively along the Tobu/Hibiya line, Takenotsuka <-> Ebisu. I don’t have to change trains anywhere along the route.

  1. If there are multiple routes from your home to your workplace, note that the commuter pass is only valid for the exact route that was purchased. The route your commuter pass is valid for should be written on the card (経由).

  2. this just simply means whatever route you took started or ended at a station that is not covered with your pass

  3. Your home station is Takenotsuka, right?

    When you take train from Takenotsuka to Ueno, I think you are supposed to take route as follows.


    But instead, the JR system calculates it as follows.


    So I think you are paying 178 yen between Kitasenju and Ueno. And it’s 178 between those 2 stations even if you take Joba line or Hibiya line.

    JR system is not perfect. It could make errors at times.

  4. You will not be charged if you disembark at a station along your route.

    Therefore the answer is that you have (probably accidentally) purchased a commuter pass using a different route.

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