Any thoughts/advice from people who reapplied after turning down JET?

I found out last week that I’m being offered an upgrade to shortlist candidate and feel like a lot of my interests has now turned toward other programs I’ve applied to in Mexico and Korea, and would still like to see how far I’ll go in their application/clearance processes as well.


A part of me deep down inside is sad about having to turn down JET at this time and I’m probably holding fears of not having my other programs and endeavors come together successfully as well. But unfortunately, I can’t have everything and everything does not always come easily haha. However, I also feel a sense of relief that I can still turn down the offer without facing any penalties and will still be able to reapply in the fall if I’d like Japan as an option again!


Therefore, I just wanted other people’s inputs and experiences with reapplying for JET, has anyone turned down the offer the first time around and reapplied/accepted later on? Did you possibly find it more challenging to apply the second time around or did you feel more prepared and felt like you have gathered even more experience to make you an even more outstanding candidate?


Also, good luck to fellow alternate candidates and hope an upgrade to shortlist will come to you soon! 🙂


  1. Can’t comment on your question unfortunately, but wanted to say good luck with your future endeavors! 🙂

  2. You’re overthinking it.

    The coordinators know that situations can change from application to interview to acceptance/upgrade. The only time it counts against you is if you accept, then pull out after they’ve started your visa and they’ve spent money.

    At most, they might ask you what has changed since your last application. It’s a job at the end of the day.

  3. I turned it down in 2008 as I got a position in an international school. I reapplied last year and now I’m shortlisted. They asked about it during the interview and I explained my reasons why.

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