EJU Language Schools

Hi! I’m a soon graduate and I am looking to study design in Japan, I am currently looking at language schools that can help with academic preperations before taking the EJU exam, however looking around most language schools only offer Japanese Language preperations and not the other academics. The only ones I saw was TJLEC and OJLEC which curriculum involves other subjects, are there any others options I can look into?

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    **EJU Language Schools**

    Hi! I’m a soon graduate and I am looking to study design in Japan, I am currently looking at language schools that can help with academic preperations before taking the EJU exam, however looking around most language schools only offer Japanese Language preperations and not the other academics. The only ones I saw was TJLEC and OJLEC which curriculum involves other subjects, are there any others options I can look into?

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