Highend “western style” woodworing tool shop in Japan?

I’m looking for a shop similar to this: [https://www.timbecon.com.au/](https://www.timbecon.com.au/) but in Japan. I’m not really looking for just Makita or Hikoki powertools but actual quality modern equipment like t-squares and parallel guides, track saw accessories.

Does this exist in Japan?

I can’t really understand why Makita is from Japan yet all the great modern accessories that people use to enhance their tools seem to be only available abroad? Hopefully I’m wrong.


  1. Nafco, Gooday, Conan, Komeri, etc. are all stores that sell such tools and the accessories to use them. Monotaro (online) also has a lot of stuff.

    Looking for 丸鋸+ガイドレール will yield results for track saws. Squares are スコヤ.

  2. Wow such an asshole when people are trying to help you. Wtf woodworking bro. Never met such a hostile hobby woodworker. They have a store in Australia that isn’t here. Boo hoo. Use the internet and find it. These people have you some helpful hints but you’re just being a dick. Learn Japanese and you’ll be less of a prick I imagine. Also, check out kakaku for what we part you need. Or search my sku.

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