Thoughts on Ryohei Oiwa?

Easily my favorite wrestler from WTL. His moveset, technical ability, charisma, look, and in ring storytelling are all insanely good. He reminds me of a modern Kenta Kobashi. I don’t see many people talking about him, thoughts?

  1. I’m hella into everything I’ve seen of him so far.

    I think his excursion to noah is hella interesting to see, and him with kaito has been lit. I think he not only has great potential but also shouldn’t have to have a long excursion

    With the current line up I do worry about a glass ceiling being harsh on him in njpw, but that’s hella tbd

  2. He’s fine. Makes for a good fiery Babyface. Wish they’d just let him develop on excursion as opposed to bringing him in for random appearances but I get it.

  3. Solid young guy. I quite liked his work in the WTL, and I’ve been meaning to watch his match with ZSJ from earlier this year.

  4. He’ll be a nostalgic guy for me since I’ve been seeing him right after he debuted as a YL. Watching his journey has been fun

  5. Right now at this level, he’s been solid. His look is good and his technical and grappling ability is enjoyable to watch. And his move set is okay. He still needs to work on his character and a finisher that fits his character. But that will take time when he finds what fits him.

  6. I’ve been very impressed with him. Im really looking forward to seeing more of his development, I think he could be something special in the future, for sure!

  7. he beefy

    I watched the match he had in NOAH with Junta Miyawaki and was kind of startled by how big he actually is. Like he’s not Randy Orton sized, but it was a staggering size difference between the two. It’s a pretty good match too between two recently graduated young lions/young boys from rival companies.

    The last few years I’ve watched more NOAH than NJPW and the youth movement NJPW’s been having the last few years (with the graduations of the late 2010s class and the new classes coming in) have been insane and a huge reason to keep watching. Everyone is awesome.

    Meanwhile in NOAH, the young guys have been trainees basically the whole time I’ve been watching and endlessly get big bro’d, even after they graduate and go through gimmick and look changes. Very envious of the great NJPW classes recently.

  8. He’s got a lot of potential. He’s fit right into NOAH with ease and it’s cool Kaito is getting to play something other than prodigy ace.

    Three musketeers underplays the rich class of rookies NJPW has. It’s really the five musketeers.

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