My Walmart carries Kewpie now

My Walmart carries Kewpie now

  1. Make sure to check the country of origin, Japanese one is the only good one, thailand/netherland ones not as good.

  2. My Walmart started carrying this as well. It’s now in the spot where Sriraja Panich used to be. Which they seem to no longer carry. I am not at all satisfied with this trade.

  3. Good find. If it’s in the bag it’s legit. If it’s just bottle it’s the American version 🚫

  4. Nothing Walmart related impresses me now. We hit peak Walmart when there were live lobster tanks.

  5. My local asian matket sells this for 10.99, just found the same bottle at walmart for 5.99. Im sorry local asian market, ill still buy your kimchi and masago.

  6. sadly they 200g version sells for $6 here, too expensive and only 1 store sells them and it is like a 50km trip, never plunged for it since it is nuts to pay $6 for 200g of mayo, if this was $6, i would buy it, btw, how much did u pay for it ?

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