NOVA’s TikTok account featuring the teachers has a Japanese guy asking two teachers “What’s your impression of Japanese girls” “Do you wanna date them” and “Do you prefer younger women or older women”


I know the tiktok account is for more casual English, and tries to be hip and cool, but this is just inappropriate. What’s worse, teachers have been asked to follow the tiktok account to promote the “brand” in order to “increase student numbers”. In the message asking the teachers to do that, nearly all of the sentences ended in exclamation marks.

I’m not sure this kind of content is what will attract more students.

And yes this is real and this is official.

  1. I don’t think that やっぱり、NOVA! comes across how they meant it to.

    This is absolutely ridiculous.

  2. Perfect representation of the situation. Personally im more up for an experienced kind of lady. But i might just be saying that in case waifu reads this and some how works out my true identity. Love you baby x

  3. i mean if it attracts more students, they win

    if it doesnt, oh no, im gonna cry so hard for novas financial woes, oooooooooooooo noooooooooo

  4. Is this some kind of badly misguided attempt at parodying “interviewing gaijin on the street” videos or is it just unironically terrible?

  5. They should follow it up with a video of the teacher’s best tips for not dying when the company goes broke and fires them the day they close down, and withholds the last 4 months of pay.

    You know, like they did a while back.

  6. Nova trying to do “Whatever Podcast” type content? Haha

    If you ever think your idea is shit, just remember that THIS was developed, approved, and executed by a large English conversation company.

  7. What was wrong with it? They were respectful in their answers…no dirty comments. Like, I fail to see the issue? Are teachers not allowed to have opinions on the gender of their liking?

  8. OP here: I referenced a message about the company requesting the instructors to like and follow the account.

    Here’s part of the message (exclamation marks are from the original message)

    **We launched our Nova instructor official Tik Tok account (私の友達はイキリ英語) in early August this year and in less than three months the number of followers has exceeded 10,000! New videos are posted reguarly and all posts feature NOVA instructors and instructor managers!**

    **We want to keep increasing the number of followers, so please follow if you are not already!!**

    **The more followers, the greater the exposure for our brand and PR for NOVA to help us continue to increase our student numbers!**

    **Please help us get to 100,000 followers!!!**

    **Thank you for your support.**

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