Weekly Weekend Thread – 11 December 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Went to an izakaya with a couple of friends on Saturday night.
    Despite a slight hangover Sunday night was the highlight of the weekend.
    I was making carbonara while chatting to my wife.
    I had a glass of discarded egg whites that I was saving for later on the counter. My wife was drinking sparkling water from an identical glass.
    After a while she got the two glasses mixed up and took a swig of raw egg whites. It was great.

  2. My fiancé and I went to Tokyo Game Market, picked up a bunch of board games to add to our endlessly expanding collection of board games, and got to meet Taylor from Taylor’s Trick-Taking Table. All-in-all, a super fun weekend!

  3. Went to Workman colors, it’s so cheap. Got some gloves, a neck warmer, and a blanket.

    Is this what it’s like to be almost 38?

  4. Hubby and I finished watching season 2 of Made In Abyss; we love the manga but had been waiting for the second season of the anime to come to a streaming service we already have. Got the feels all over again- now to wait forever until another volume comes out

  5. Went to Kobe’s Herb gardens for their Christmas event. It was jam packed and to be honest we couldn’t be bothered to wait in any of the lines for food. Still, the atmosphere was nice, and considering last year the line to go up was so long we just gave up, it was a win for us just to finally make it up the ropeway.

    Sunday was cleaning the kitchen and it’s so much more organized now, it feels great.

  6. Conbini snack lovers, the new “Kongari BBQ Sauce” flavour for karage-kun from Lawsons is a winner. I grabbed some on a whim, and like it so much I wound up stopping at a second Lawsons on the way home.

  7. Saw 異次元フェス on Saturday, friend invited me. Got a last row seat but fortunately it’s Tokyo Dome so everything is still visible, although I had to rely on the big screen…

    I’ve already retired from idol-related stuff since 4 years ago so I only know like 1 out of every 5 songs…

  8. Had a date. She was sweet and really kind and thoughtful. But seemed a bit eccentric compared to other Japanese girls (hope she’s not crazy or anything xD too soon to tell). She wants to meet up again though, let’s see. Although I’m not sure how far this’ll go, probably gonna end up with someone from my home country (or maybe alone) in the end…

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