Tohoku University IMAC-U Program

Hi, I am a student from Sri Lanka, hoping to apply for Tohoku Universities IMAC program. Are there any students from overseas that attended to that program?. I would like to know how the entrance exam was and how many people were accepted to that year you enrolled in. Thanks in advance

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    **Tohoku University IMAC-U Program**

    Hi, I am a student from Sri Lanka, hoping to apply for Tohoku Universities IMAC program are there any students from overseas that attended to that program?. I would like to know how the entrance exam is and how many people were accepted to that year you enrolled in. Thanks in advance

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Someone pls translate this to English. ASAP

▲求める学生像 1.日本語基礎能力の土台をしっかりと磨いた学生 2.日本留学の目的がしっかりしている学生 3.母国のプライドを持って日本で堂々と歩んでいける学生 ▲合格の基準 1.自身について、既習知識の日本語を用いて表現できる。 2.今後進学する日本の日本語学校名を正確に言えて、正確に漢字で書ける。 3.日本留学に対する熱意を感じる。 4.日本語学校への進学理由について、はっきりと説明できる。 5.聞き手にうまく伝わるように、様々な工夫ができる。