how furigana converters work?

Kanji has many different readings, so I am curious how furigana converters like furgianify! are functioning?

  1. You seem to imply that in case of ambiguity those converters manage to choose the correct reading, but I think they are just wrong a lot.

  2. Well judging from the screenshots they have on the app store, the answer is “not that great”. ふり**か**なとは、に**っぽ**んごにおいて…

  3. Usually they just go with the most common versions of a given word (not individual kanji). But, yeah, they’re wrong a lot.

  4. If they were smart they would work the same waythat all effective translation services do.

  5. When using those converter apps, it’s always a good idea to double check that the displayed reading matches the intended kanji/word/phrase.

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