350,000yen stuck in paypay lite. Any loop holes, I need to get the money out.

So yesterday I was supposed to recieve some payment here in Japan. The guy sent the money on paypay and I just found out that there is a difference between paypay lite and paypay money. The dude sent me 350k on paypay and now after calling their help line I got to know that nothing can be done from their end and that I’d have to spend the money using paypay and that it can’t be transferred to a bank account nor can it be withdrawn. They seem very stubborn and didn’t seem very cooperative.
So I was wondering if any of the reddit users here been through a similar situation? If yes are there any loopholes? Can I buy something and redeem it for cash? I mean wtf am I supposed to do with 348k worth of paypay credit.

Edit: The payment was made very spontaneously without any notice and I signed up for the full account last night. But they said that once the deposit is made in a lite account it can’t be transferred out of it. They told me this in the morning when i called the helpline.Which kinda sucks.

I’m kinda new to paypay and wasn’t familiar with their rules and regulations.

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