Denied for special re entry permit

Hello everyone.
Me along with my wife and daughter are going back to home next week for about 2 months.
Our daughter is about 3 months and have no passport yet. We planned on making the passport back at our home as its easier and faster than here.
We got the one way travel document from embassy and they told to apply for special re entry permit from immigration.
I went to immigration but they told, it couldnt be issued as its only issued in special cases.
I explained them that my wife was sick and had to admit here for some time so that passport procedure and all couldnt be done that time and was planning to make it back at our home country. Even showed the documents related to admission in hospital and all. But they simple denied and asked me to re apply for dependent visa ( my daughter is already on dependent visa which expires on 2025) .

Has anyone got into this situation and what did you do if so?
One thing i was but confused if the visa can be apply back in my home country or from Japan after making passport?

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