Question about throwing garbage

Hello, everyone! I’m currently an exchange student in Japan for a year. I’m well aware of the garbage separation in Japan and to be honest, I really enjoy it. I myself like to organise my things and sorting out garbage is really relaxing to me.

But there’s only one small issue, that I still can’t find solution to. And that is – clothes.

I’m bringing clothes from my country that I wouldn’t want to take back home, so instead I want to donate or throw them. How and who do I contact in case I want to donate these clothes (I’m not doing it for money, duh, I just want these clothes to be useful for someone else)? Also, probably socks and some towels and other types of cloths for personal use, that are all worn-out, teared up etc. should never even be considered as a donation? Are they burnable garbage?

You’ll probably ask yourself why did I even come to Japan with clothes like this but the answer is simple – I have 2 types of clothes. Ones for the outside, and others for when I’m home. Of course I’m not going to a Temple with teared up socks! But for instance, I have a pair of socks with small holes in one sock, and I want to get rid of them before going back to my home country.

Moreover, I’m buying new clothes in Japan that I want to bring back home. How am I supposed to collect all of these (newest and previous) clothes in just one suitcase!? Exactly, some sort of impossible.

So please, if someone can explain to me what I should do, I’ll be very happy. 😊

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