Providing address directly on Mercari.

Hi. So I sent this coat to a buyer. Turns out it’s too small for them and they want to return it and are asking my address in the chat? Is that normal? Do I give out my personal address like that?
If anyone could let me know, thanks

  1. this is the normal process. however there is no reason to accept the return. coat doesnt fit? too bad. its not a store.

  2. [Yes.](

    >(3) 購入者:出品者に商品を返送する

  3. Yeah. Seller gives their address. Once the seller receives the return, the seller cancels the order. The buyer receives a notification that the order is being cancelled. They confirm it and then pretty much everything regarding the listing is erased including any messages you sent to each other.

  4. I wish Mercari implements a smooth way to do this without disclosing the seller’s address.

  5. Can’t you put the address of the local convenience store?

    Note. If you wander out in the mericari or Amazon markets, best to understand the pitfalls of making some small money.

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