Need advice on Negotiating a Used Car Purchase – Quotations and Additional Offers

I’m currently in the process of selecting a used car and have received quotations from several dealers. I’ve noticed that the prices aren’t consistent with the ones listed on their websites, and there are various additional offers such as studless tires, body coating, etc.

I’m a bit overwhelmed with the options and wondering if any of you have advice on whether it’s necessary to opt for these additional offers. For instance, are studless tires and body coating really worth it?

Additionally, I’m thinking about negotiating for some extra perks like free service and shaken for two years. Do you think these are negotiable?

And the last, how much do you think is a reasonable amount to cut off the quoted price? Any tips or strategies for successful negotiations would be greatly appreciated.

fyi: foreigner, kanto region

I appreciate any insights or experiences you can share to help me make an informed decision on my used car purchase. Thanks in advance!

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