Considering moving to Japan in the future(within the next decade)- what are my options/things I should know about?

Hello everyone! I’ve been lurking for a month or two because I’ve been brainstorming some ideas for potentially moving to Japan. I’m planning my first Japan trip next year and I’ve been wanting to experience something different from the US. I was born and raised in South Bay area in LA, so big Japanese community here.

I’m 23, with a fresh degree in Computer Science. I have no work experience(yet) in tech, and I’ve seen some older threads of the IT industry having openings and potential for a career in Japan. Is this still possible? I also have experience teaching children in mathematics, science, and occasionally English.

I’m 4th generation Japanese-American, ハーフ, and my Japanese is elementary/middle school level at best. I took the JLPT N4 and easily passed in high school but I don’t speak Japanese often, speaking is probably my worst, next to writing. I recently started to take learning Japanese more seriously, dusting off old Genki and Minna no Nihongo books. I’ve heard some good and bad stories about being Japanese-American in Japan, some people see you as 外国人 and others will treat you/hold you to the same expectation as if you’re fully Japanese.

I’ve thought about 3 possible options for eventually moving to Japan: Japanese language school, JET Program, or working a few years in the US in tech and then hopefully landing a job in Japan.

I’m not sure if I eventually would want to apply for permanent residency/citizenship if that’s possible, but my family is situated here in the States. A biggest factor that deters me from wanting this is that my family has stated to me that I would inherit everything once they pass, would not being an American citizen make inheritance more complicated? If I recall I have a living trust with them and am under their will but that’s way further into the future.

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