Late-Night Motorcycles in Kumamoto

I’m presently staying a kilometer or so away from downtown on a main cross-street, and every night from about midnight to 3:00 AM the most obnoxious motorcyclists buzz past, often stopping at a red light and revving their engines seemingly for no other purpose than to create as much noise as possible. These aren’t straight-piped Harleys, but are even more annoying. They sound like Japanese bikes with the mufflers removed, and they are constantly being revved to redline. Give a small swarm of mosquitos Van Halen’s concert amp system and we’re in the right ballpark for this experience.

All in all, it seems like this is being unleashed by a few sociopaths who take pleasure in disturbing the sleep of thousands of people every night. It seems the antithesis of everything great about Japanese culture. Since this is an ongoing problem, you’d think the police would aggressively put a stop to it but nothing is being done.

Is this a country-wide phenomenon or something unique to Kumamoto?

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