Police panel proposes up to 12,000 yen fine for cycling violations

Police panel proposes up to 12,000 yen fine for cycling violations


  1. “They can also be issued a ticket if they fail to comply with a police officer’s orders, or if their actions are deemed dangerous to pedestrians.”

    Apparently this is a big problem. I have seen tons of videos of cops (on foot) trying to pull over cyclists and the cyclists just ignore them and keep riding or, if they are nabbed, they pull away saying, “Isogashiindayo” or something. They hardly ever comply.

  2. If it’s enforced enough to prevent cyclists riding on the wrong side of the street I’m all for it.

  3. Details:

    Scary looking yanki: ask politely to comply, then run away if said yanki gets aggressive and starts rolling his “r”s.

    Old lady: as above.

    Regular citizen: impose fine without worrying

    Foreigner: bring out taser just in case.

  4. Yet another tax to justify the large number of police… so without doubt they’ll each have quotas to fulfill …

  5. They should be more stringent on pedestrians who walk around staring into their phones oblivious to their surroundings. That would be a far more lucrative source of tax.


    But also, go fucking enforce the rules dickwads. Send all the asshats chilling with a coffee during rush hour in the koban our to the corner and start handing out tickets.

  7. Hold up, isn’t there already a fine of 50.000 for 逆走 and 二人乗りand stuff?

  8. Yes and also apply it to pedestrians who walk looking at their phones or cross the streets where there aren’t crosswalks without even turning around to see if cars or bicycles are coming.

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