Getting back into learning Japanese

Hey r/learnjapanese, was wondering if anyone had experience with trying to get back into learning Japanese. I spent a few years stationed in Japan and tried learning some Japanese when I had free time, took and passed the N4. It’s been a few years since I was stationed in Japan. I’m back in the U.S. of A, but wouldn’t be surprised if my work takes me back to Japan.

All I remember at this point is basic greetings and some basic kanji. (I got up to like 400 at my best?)

Do I start all over again from like Genki 1? I will probably start up WaniKani again. Any other suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated. I would like to get to a N3 level if possible.

  1. I would say start from Genki 1, page one. If you remember the stuff it’s quick review which never hurts. If you don’t, then you relearn some stuff.

  2. If you got to N4, you should be able to pick up the basics pretty quick. Going back through a beginner textbook would be a good way to refresh, but depending on how much you remember, you could also just go through some YouTube videos of Genki 1(TokiniAndy is often recommended here), and if you feel comfortable with the content, go into Genki 2.

  3. I would recommend the Tobira books! They have beginner books and also an intermediate book (I’m working on that one!). I haven’t tried a JLPT, but from my mock tests, I wouldn’t pass N5 right now, BUT! I CAN understand the first couple of pages of the Tobira Intermediate book. It’s supposed to help you with your way out of the “learning Japanese slump” and it has so many resources!

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