Probation period extended over one client complaint. Casual advice please?

Recent uni grad (新卒2年目) with not a lot of money to spare for professional consultation, also don’t understand labor law that well so would like to avoid going to lawyers and such until I can be sure that I can get something of it.

Context: I started working in the facility management business back in early October – which just means going to clients office and manage their offices for them, usually as part of general affairs. Both company I signed with and client I am stationed at gaishi that has been around long enough internally they are basically nikkei – previous job was for a gaishi startup baby where things are definitely not as frigid so at least that’s how I see it.

Currently in my 3rd month at the company and last week, senior manager received a complaint about me from one of the client employees.

1. “She chitchat a lots and is way too loud, making it impossible for me to focus.” I used to sit far away from the mail service staff and would only chitchat once in 2 weeks or anything. Also client employees are definitely louder than me and they chat more often.
2. “She always using her phone during work hour.” Def not always, I would take a peak if notifications of email and such came and since I don’t have a work phone, I have to use my own phone to take pics upload it somewhere and the download it on work PC to report to supervisor. I do leave the screen on often while not actually using it so I guess it’s my fault for leaving such an opening.
3. “Her attitude when I had an inquiry was intolerable.” The word they used was 上の態度 which again does not sound like me. I was in B to B service before this where there are even more having to deal with customers face to face and while at the beginning team lead told me someone complained about my “resting unhappy face” I don’t think I have any attitude problems. This time I wasnt told whether it was thru emails or face to face but my Japanese keigo is impeccable except for maybe a few kanji mistakes but nothing screams impolite. Also people who complain out of spite exist, especially in Japan.

Was not told whethere this is from one person or many but they came at the same time. Have only directly dealt with client employees’ inquiry handful of time so I can definitely pinpoint the people I have had direct contact with. Won’t really point fingers at anyone but some of those people do seem like they would be out to get me had I looked at them wrong.

I have politely told my manager(s – we’re in transition since the old one will be retiring or something) that this might be an understanding and perhaps they should investigate. Well obviously they didn’t care enough cause today before leaving they had me sat down and told me they wanted to extend my probation for another 3 months, which also means I don’t have any PTOs for another 3 months. It was supposed to be 3 months only. I had already made plans to take maximum 2 days off before 6 months mark and wouldn’t be able to reschedule. I had personally reasons that I couldn’t afford switching jobs for another 3 years or 4, so I had originally planned to just gaman until internal transfer to another client is possible. But Google told me they apparently can’t extend my probation until there’re like repeated mistakes, etc.

So yeah, like the title said I just want casual advices first before deciding on any actions if needed. Yoroshiku please.


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