Difference between SIM-FREE and SIM-UNLOCKED Smartphone

AU Sim-unlocked: [http://liveshop.co.jp/shop/shopdetail.html?brandcode=000000007710](http://liveshop.co.jp/shop/shopdetail.html?brandcode=000000007710)

Sim-free: [http://liveshop.co.jp/shop/shopdetail.html?brandcode=000000007708](http://liveshop.co.jp/shop/shopdetail.html?brandcode=000000007708)

If I buy the AU Sim unlocked version, can I use it with LINE MO network? Or, I have to go through sim unlocking procedure with AU?

1 comment
  1. Sim unlock means it was originally a carrier locked phone that was unlocked by the carrier later. Once unlocked they can be used anywhere (hardware permitting) but the downsides are that these phones may contain carrier specific unremovable bloatware.

    Sim free means it was never a locked to a carrier to begin with.

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