Can’t go back to Japan as an International Student

(My post was removed from r/japanlife as I am not residing in Japan anymore)

I am an international student in Japan, enrolled this year. I went back to my home country during summer vacation as I was home sick. However, I had an accident and was heavily injured. I was in the hospital for days, and doctors told me it would take at least 2–3 months to recover. My semester has already started and I mailed my university about my issues.

However, my family went through very tough time in terms of finances this year. My parents decided to not to send me back here because 1) My physical condition is weak, I will be needing a lot of support 2) Finances

I am on bed rest right now, still studying Japanese by myself. My love for the country and culture still exists, but due to the current circumstances, I think it would be wise not to go back for now.

My question is : I still have my Residence Card and Bank card. When an international student leaves Japan they are supposed to return the cards. And I did not. If I ever want to travel Japan in the future, would they restrict me for accessing the country because I failed to return the residence card?

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