Best resources that can be shared between 2 people

My husband is wanting to learn Japanese for work, and I want to learn it with him because languages are fun. So far we’ve done the hiragana and are about to do katakana. I’m wondering how we can do kanji and grammar together but separately (he does some of his studying at work, and I’m at home with the kids, so we may not be able to easily stay perfectly together lesson by lesson. We do intend to stay generally in the same place so we can review and practice together. I’m thinking we get Genki and photocopy the workbook/do it in a notebook like in high school. But I’m having a little more trouble with kanji. Does wanikani lend itself well to one account being shared between users? Or would it make more sense to get 2 anki accounts and just add the same kanji deck to each? I read that anki is better for reinforcement than teaching, so I was more interested in wanikani, but we’ll both do better if we do it together for accountability reasons.

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