Tokyo again reports week-on-week doubling of COVID-19 cases

Tokyo again reports week-on-week doubling of COVID-19 cases

  1. Just like the rest of Europe. And just like the rest of Europe, nothing will happen to hospital cases and/or deaths.

  2. It’s interesting to read Japan is still holding press conferences about this with most of this news making (seemingly) major headlines in Japanese media. While in a lot of other countries the increases barely made a blip on the news radar. It’s quite a contrast.

    Though it remains to be seen if Japan was overreacting or the other countries were too lax.

  3. This is exactly what I said would happen if they started easing Covid restrictions it’s what consistently has happened.

    It’s like no matter how much data people get they still cry about facemasks.

    Get the number to zero before talking about lifting restrictions, it’s common sense.

    Every time it’s lift it just gets worse that’s the most simplest datapoint I can think of, fuck nuance.

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