Working holiday visa to Spouse visa

Hi guys! I came to Japan in July and currently I’m living with my Japanese girlfriend (met her in Europe). We are planning to get married early next year. If I apply for a spouse visa is it okey for the immigrant office that I only came here this recently, also just got married? Should I switch to a work visa first? (I can do that too because I have a stable job who willing to sponsor me) Which one should I pick?

  1. Don’t worry. You can get a spouse visa even if you visit Japan as a tourist, if your marriage is legit and can show it to Immigration Bureau.

    No need to have a working visa.

  2. I applied spouse visa 3 days after my marriage. I had good proof that our marriage is not a fake marriage. They did not ask anything and I got my visa a month later

  3. Indeed they will ask you for pictures of both of you, various chat log between both, the most important part before applying, they will ask you for the certificate of marriage in your home country, without that you cannot apply.

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