Now required to show when you left your country when applying for a J drivers license

Are you guys aware that you have to show that you’ve stayed in the country where you obtained your driver’s license for at least three months after obtaining your license? Even if you come from a country where you can automatically convert your license you need to show that. I previously had a Japanese license when I was in Osaka. Never knew anything about this certificate. Was never asked for it.

My country doesn’t issue a passport stamp when exiting so I applied for my travel records online. Interestingly, my entry/exit records don’t exist with border control. Maybe because I didn’t go home during Covid or something. They’ve been recording since 2006 so I’m not sure why they wouldn’t have one out of hundreds of departures. Regardless, border control has no record for me. Now as a result, I cannot provide that Immigration/Departure Certificate to the Japanese driving center. Maybe they will accept my airline ticket. I’ll find out when I call them.

パスポート:運転免許を取得した国に、免許取得後3ヵ月以上滞在していたことを確認します。 免許取得国の出入国スタンプがない場合は、『出入国証明』が必要です。出入国証明を準備できない。 場合は、取得国での滞在を示す公的な書類をお持ちください。 ※国によっては他に書類が必要な場合もあります。詳しくは電話予約の際にお知らせします。 ※有効、失効に関わらず日本の免許証をお持ちの場合は、必ず持参してください。

Passport:Confirm that you have stayed in the country where you obtained your driver’s license for at least 3 months after obtaining your license. **If you do not have an entry/exit stamp from the country where you obtained your license, you will need an “Immigration/Departure Certificate.”** If you are unable to provide an immigration certificate please bring an official document showing your stay in the country of acquisition. \*Other documents may be required depending on the country. We will give you details when you make a reservation by phone. \*If you have a Japanese driver’s license, whether valid or expired, please be sure to bring it with you.

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