Couple questions about career/degree choices.

I’m in my senior year of highschool and am looking at teaching in japan as my future career (went on a trip last year so while I obviously don’t know everything about it I am semi-familiar with how japan functions, also from research). I am honestly considering working there and making my way to permanent residency and buying a house. I would like to note that buying a house is a big goal I have in life, but in Canada that’s seeming more and more improbably with the ever increasing prices. I know you need a degree for a work visa, and I’m looking for some advice on which to get between a BA in arts with a major in english and a BA in education.

I know for a job in education a BeD would be better, but I have a few questions regarding my personal situation.

For the BA in education, I’d have to move to a bigger city (cheapest near me), and it’d be significantly more expensive. I’d likely have to work all of next year and apply to the uni for 2025 to afford it, as my family doesn’t have much in savings. It’d run me about 35k for the 5 year program, and if I manage to get into the residence (very difficult from what I can find) it’d be looking at another 25k for that. If I can’t get it I’d be looking at anywhere from 115-150k in rent in total, which will require me working on top of school, if I can even manage it.

A BA in english arts however, would be much cheaper. (I’d also likely enjoy it more as english is my favourite subject). I could take it fully online for about 40k, and I’d be able to live with my parents (already asked), as well as work a full-time job due to the freedom of choosing what time I do my courses.

Just really stressing out about my future right now and any help would be appreciated.

I’d also like to note that I’m learning Japanese, and I’d be good working as a teacher or in any of the various jobs I can get with an english degree if I stay in Canada, they’re just the two I’m most interested in.

Thanks in advance for any help, I really appreciate it!

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