50 Sushi Facts: A Tantalizing Journey Through Flavor and Tradition

50 Sushi Facts: A Tantalizing Journey Through Flavor and Tradition

1 comment
  1. Some of these are wrong. Itame is one level of Sushi Chef, not all chefs are itame and some would be very insulted if you called them that. “Dragon Rolls” can be all sorts of things since there’s no real definition. Sushi rice can be warm for some dishes, and cool for other dishes, not “always at room temperature.”

    Some of these are very dumb. Sushi Rice is prepared to taste good? Holy cow stop the presses.

    Even more are such a reach that I wouldn’t even call them facts. “Sake is enjoyed with sushi.” Like seriously, someone put this on as a fact.


    This article is trying way to hard and could have been a whole lot better if it stuck to fewer facts and double checked them.

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