Working in Japan

Hello everyone. I am currently a student in a university and from last year I started thinking about where could I work outside of my country. One of my first choices was Japan but I see everywhere conflicting views about the work life there. From different interviews and posts that I saw people who work there in older companies or went to work in Japan till 10 years ago, say that you have to work really long hours. On the other hand younger people that just finished their Uni and started working, say that they work normal hours in newer companies, just like in countries in the EU and the US, since many of them say that it is now fully/strictly illegal to work more than 8hs a day (except if you want to do overtime). Honestly in my country many people work more than 8 hours a day (for example my father works around 12 hours a day but he likes what he does so that keeps him going) so I do not mind both options since I am used to this work ideology, but I would like to know what is true now/ in this certain period of time.
Sorry about the long post😅

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