What’s the best way to inquire about buying a house (Akiya) not for sale?

I’m curious about going for a round 2 in the Kominka renovation, but for a business this time.

This is a thatched house (covered with metal roofing) with holes in the walls, looks pretty rough. But so did my house when I bought it and now I know everything I did wrong before, and everything I overpaid, what’s cheap and what’s not, what’s easy and what’s not.

I feel like I could knock it out of the park with a second house using what I know now.

I know the 町長 where the house is and I know their whole family. Should I just ask him to introduce me to the owner? I’m not even sure what 町長does but it seems like that would be the easiest way to start getting info.

Bigger question.
Has anyone here ever replaced a thatch roof? How much did it cost?

A lot of things in Japan are RUMORED to be super expensive or super difficult and then when you actually get down to it it’s just not true.

I was told I needed an expensive racing license to ride my motorcycle on racetracks here. That turned out to be bullshit and it’s actually no license and about 2man a day. Extremely affordable.

I was told it’s super hard to get guns/license for hunting here and my friend went and got one and said it was easy. Now he hunts deer and boar and has a freezer full of meat.

I was told by multiple people heating your home with firewood is outrageously expensive, but I just got 2 whole dump trucks full of logs for free. Probably 3+ years worth of free heat just bc I asked around (I’ll make a post about this soon)

I was told shaken costs a bajillion trillion dollars/yennies and that I shouldn’t drive bc it’ll bankrupt my family for 10 generations and my great grandchildren will weep. It’s really not that bad when you do your own maintenance and do shaken yourself.

I was told a million things like this so I’m wondering if thatched roof replacements are another thing that’s rumored to be expensive and difficult but actually not…?

I would pay someone to do it. I’m not trying to thatch a roof DIY.


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