Daycare kid got injured and went to hospital

Few weeks/monts ago I read a post about a dad telling is kid got injured by another kid with some behavioral problems and the teacher took the kid to the hospital due to a risk with eye.It happened to my kid and I cannot find back this post with google or reddit search (nursery, hoikuen, daycare, …)

Hope somebody can help? there was some good comments/answers and lately I discovered even if I upvoted them, there is no way to find any upvoted comments 🙁 I should also save it.

In the comment section, someone mentioned about a dedicated teacher, how to handle the situation with hoikuen, it’s this kind of information I’m looking for.

My kid got injured 3 times this year by the same kid (not only my kid)
He’s now 4 years old in the 3 years section.First time was bitten, 2nd time scratch on the lower face with 1 hand, 3rd time scratches with 2 hands all the faces (and teacher had to take him to hospital).
All the times, the teacher explained my kid didn’t have any bad behavior (quite opposite)
this time he was just going to take a book and passed by the other one.
The other kid has some issus, we can understand, he’s still behind in speech for example but we meet the mother only this time (the 3rd one) for her to “apologize”, she explain the kid is seeing a doctor and they can not predict when this kind of behavior will happen.

So for us, it just mean it will certainly happen once again!

Thank you for any help

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