USPS returned my American taxes back to Japan for no reason?!

I filed my American taxes back in October and sent the physical copies by mail as I usually do every year. Now USPS has returned them to me in Japan after 2 months. I simply don’t understand why they returned them to me when this has never been an issue before. The envelope actually made its way to Austin, Texas but was then redirected back to NY customs and finally returned to Japan. Another oddity is that I actually sent 2 different envelopes to different zip codes/offices in Austin at the same time: one to the tax office and another one to the address change notification department. The address change letter was actually delivered, so I’m confused as to why my taxes were basically, denied delivery or more like the delivery was never even attempted.

Has this happened to anyone before or would anyone have any ideas as to why this would happen?

I plan to call the IRS and explain the situation. I still have the receipt from when I sent them through Japan post and the tracking number proving the shipping history, so I’m not too worried. Just very, very pissed at USPS, especially because Japan Post doesn’t even know the reason for the return. They put this message on the return label: この郵便物は、具本的な理由が記されていない状態で返送されてきましたので、返送理由は不明とさせていただきました。何卒ご理解りますよお願い申し上げます。
Google translate: “This mail was returned without specifying the reason, so we have decided that the reason for the return is unknown. Thank you for your understanding.”

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