Best intro to Japanese for my kids?

Wondering if anyone has advice or experience with introducing their kids to Japanese. I regret not getting into another language until so late in my life and my two kids (3 and 5) are total sponges right now so it seems like something they could benefit from, both now and of course throughout their lives.

We live in the US, so not a lot of opportunities for immersion, but of course there are classes and stuff when they are older. Sort of like a musical instrument, it’s of course too early for them to have a frame of reference, let alone a preference of language, so while it’s not critical that they learn Japanese specifically, I figured it would be a reasonable choice since it’s the only other language I speak (a tiny bit).

But I also don’t want to do what so many parents do and try to wrestle them into learning something they don’t have any immediate interest in, just because it’s a good time developmentally.

Has anyone else had success with this, especially in a context where they aren’t being immersed or have a pressing motivation to do so, like family or work circumstances?

Thanks in advance!

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