Weekly Weekend Thread – 15 August 2022

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. busy weekend.

    Clubbing with friends on Friday. Learned to dance Para Para from drag queens. If that’s not peak Japanese club going experience, I’m scared to find out what’s at the top. Was on my feet for 9 hours. My feet didn’t like that.

    The day after was bowling and drinking with my friend. We walked a lot.

    Sunday was going to the Nara Tokae with my cousin. Lots of pretty ~~Instagram pictures~~ lights. We walked a lot too.

    In unrelated news, my legs are dead and I don’t even want to step out of my genkan today

  2. Went to Comiket Day 1 and Stranger Things Cafe.
    The Cafe was small and our table was a little counter table at the side. The venue looks like it can’t handle 20 persons at the same time.

  3. made stromboli for the first time, after a long spell of not using the oven for anything. the bread part came out perfect, but I filled it with a very light Japanese hand, not a heavy American one – the stuffing was really lacking. (Italian meats are so expensive here.) if anyone has any favorite stromboli stuffing, please feel free to share!

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