Accidentally breaking door

I am currently living in a 1K apartment with a sliding door that separates the kitchen from the bedroom. Was cleaning my kitchen when I accidentally broke the sliding door; like there is a big hole at the lower side of the door. Should I fix the door myself by hiring a private contractor or tell my landlady? Also, does anyone have any idea how much will it cost? An estimated range will be helpful.

  1. I gotta ask… How did you manage to accidentally but a big hole the lower side of the door?

  2. How old is the apartment? How long have you lived there? How generic is the door? Do you deal directly with the owner or through a real estate company? Do you think you could fix it and no one could tell?

    These will all affect the outcome.

  3. You have to contact your landlord and ask what to do. They’ll pick the design, direct the contractor and tell you to contact your fire insurance about the fee to fix it.

  4. The risk you run in fixing it yourself is the owner doesn’t like it they can still charge you to repair it to their liking, so you end up paying more money. However, if you can fix it so that it looks exactly the same as before, you may save money. Also, it may be covered by insurance.

    Technically, I think you’re supposed to let the landlord or management company handle it, but I’ve done small repairs myself just because it’s less complicated.

  5. Usually when you sign a contract they will give a bunch of papers, one which includes a list of phone numbers for who to contact in specific situations. ie burst pipe, damage etc. You’re best bet is there, but if you don’t know then the company that manages your apartment is a good place to call.

    Never fix any damage yourself, their job is to fix stuff. And while they may invoice you a bill, at least you know what you’re paying. One move-out inspection if they catch a self repair they may just take it out of the deposit and then you’ve paid twice.

  6. Just contact landlord or the real estate company and explain. You probably have insurance and it will most likely cover it.

    I had a cracked window that needed to replace and the landlord hired a company to fix it and insurance covered it. Without insurance i would have to pay 200k lol.

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