Let’s bitching about Costco!


Go for my usual pepperoni slice and death dog for lunch. Not too crowded, hooray. But….. NO pepperoni slice available any more. Just Margherita, cheese, or combo. SO I grumpily do the combo. Expecting to have to shuck the nasty olives off, sucks but what the hell. BUT, it also has these weird enoki mushrooms as well! Who puts THOSE on a pizza? Yet more work to get them in the trash where they belong.

What happened to simplicity? Wabi-sabi? Elegant design? Pepperoni alone is enough!

Rant over. Any other trivial irritations at our fav big box?

  1. You are my people. I sooo feel you. I have commented about this in the past. I am happy that I am not alone in my thoughts.


    All I can say is the pepperoni DOES come back. I have spoken to workers and managers alike at the Kyoto Costco to express my disappointment in the pepperoni variety disappearing, but to no avail. Just a smile and a “thank you, I will bring it up.”


    Costco seems to work much like the JR trains heating system. The day they turn the heat on in the Fall and off in the Spring is decided by a date, without considering the actual weather outside. Costco has a regular schedule to ditch pepperoni pizza and replace it with an abomination once or twice a year.


    The pepperoni pizzas will be back. They always do. But it totally sucks and amazes me that they take them away. Is there possibly an issue with the company that makes the pepperoni? Id be surprised if there is data that shows the current pizzas sell more than the pepperoni.

    Gaman is all we can do.


    In solidarity!!!

  2. Which Costco location is that? I went to Iruma and Shin-misato last year and they didn’t have the pepperoni option. But last week, at the Meiwa location, they did.

  3. Pepperoni is only an occasionally available slice. Combo and Margarita are always on the men. they rotate in either 4 Cheese and Hawaiian on occasion.

    I have never ever encountered enoki on a combo slice,. The Costco hotdogs and the sausage on the combo slice are slightly different than the American ones. I think they use pork in both.

    My biggest gripe is just the general price increases on merchandise since the pandemic began. Those huge Quaker Oats boxes are sorely missed. The one by me used to have some insane bargains. I bought 6 large boxes of couscous for 300 yen each. I got a camel backpack for 500 yen. I got two 6 packs of wool socks for 399.

    They stopped stocking Kirkland dress shirts and dropped photo printing around the world.

  4. Mine still has pepperoni but it also disappears from time to time. Costco doesn’t understand I need to get my fix sometimes.

    What I want to know is why did they stop selling the dried cranberry….

  5. “What happened to simplicity? Wabi-sabi? Elegant design? ”

    Costco is like when you go to the US embassy. Once you get into the parking lot you have entered USA.

    It was fascinating when I went the first time. The cars were bigger, (There was even someone driving a Chevy with the steering wheel on the left), the carts are huge, the boxes are huge, and I even got to experience “parking lot rage”, swearing and being flipped off – by a Japanese person!

    It seems that manners, along with everything else Japanese is left at the entrance.

  6. On the whole I like Costco, but I really don’t get how inconsistent their product line is. Non-Japanese foods (for example non-Japanese cheese) are wildly inconsistently available. I get that supply lines have been snarled since the pandemic and I’m just an individual, so it’s no big deal for me personally. But it seems like their whole deal is trying to be a wholesaler who supplies other businesses? Wouldn’t a strong supply line be a major part of that? Like I would really have to think twice about using Costco Japan as a supplier for anything that was essential for a business. It seems like the only things they are able to provide without difficulty are domestic products, and I would think it would be cheaper and easier to source domestic products through something like a Gyomu Supaa.

    Also, I am definitely a bit grumpy that we hit midwinter and the old Kirkland pre-cooked bacon still isn’t back on the shelves. American-style bacon is hard enough to come by as it is, and sometimes I just want a couple rashers without needing to fry up a whole package.

    But on the whole, I like Costco… when other customers aren’t there. There’s little more aggravating than trying to navigate one of their stores on a weekend or holiday.

  7. Had combo at the Amagasaki Costco the other day and it didn’t have mushrooms . Better than having Enoki I guess , Enoki doesn’t belong on pizza imo

  8. Still missing the great cans of pitted California black olives at reasonable prices. It’s been a couple of years.

  9. Next gripe…

    I don’t like assortments. I want to get just a box of ONE kind of cookie-dark chocolate chip. I don’t want 4 flavors of cronut all mixed up.

    Although to Costco’s credit, they DID have some amazing looking cinnamon rolls today, smothered in enough icing to give King Kong an aneurism.

  10. I loved the dried cherries. Can’t find them now in Kitahiroshima (Sapporo). Also, pepperoni slices (not pizza, the meat) made a brief appearance, and now it’s gone.

  11. I wish Costco lets us buy 6 muffins instead of having to buy 12. I’m fat enough as it is I don’t wanna shove down 2 muffins per sitting

  12. Yes, I was pissed about the pepperoni disappearing too. I can’t complain though since I am a cheap ass that hasn’t renewed his card and just goes to the food court where they don’t need to scan my card lol

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