MUFG/UFJ cred card rant

I just want to vent. I’ve been a UFJ customer for 18 years and I’ve had a UFJ credit card for 15 years. After realizing that my card doesn’t work with their mobile app, about a year ago I signed up for a different UFJ card that does because I wanted the convenience of being able to check my balance through an app rather than their outdated website. After getting the new card, I quickly realized that the limit was drastically lower than the old card, and because they don’t take the money out of your account until almost a month after the closing date, the effective limit is actually closer to half of the stated limit of Â¥100,000. Between bills and shopping for everyday things online, I was quickly butting up against the limit, so I requested an increase and was summarily rejected. I’ve since requested an increase every few months and keeping getting denied. Today I called and told them I’ve already got a UFJ credt card with a Â¥300,000 limit; I’d like to get the limit on the newer card raised to Â¥200,000 and then I’ll cancel the other one and just use the one card. Long story short, my old card was issued by one company within the Mitsubishi-UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), while the newer one was issued by a different company within the same group. Both cards say “UFJ” and “MUFG” everywhere on the card, have the same corporate logo and everything, but technically they’re issued by two different companies, so the fact that I’ve passed muster with one of those companies to get my limit increased to Â¥300,000 (without even asking for it, by the way) has absolutely no bearing on the other company judging that I’m too risky to give a higher limit to. I get that they’re two different companies, but if they’re going to go by the same name—I even filled out the application for the new card at my local UFJ branch—they need to understand that the average consumer is not going to recognize they’re different, and they need to do a better job of acting like a single company with consistent policies.

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