Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (December 28, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I just started [Core 2k/6k deck](https://djtguide.neocities.org/anki), and so far it’s great. The only thing that bothering me is that there are no reverse cards. Im thinking of adding them but it most definitely will increase the amount of time I spend learning each word. Most of the people on this sub probably used some version of such a deck at one point, so how did it work out for you? I mean, is there any reason why it doesn’t have reverse cards? And if I were to add them what should I prioritise writing or pronunciation?

  2. How do you guys keep up with vocabulary learnt? When starting out i used to “just remember” words but i soon find out that i was forgetting words i actually knew at some point. So i made an excell spreadsheet covering nouns, phrases, adjectives, ichidan and godan verbs but i was soon overwhelmed by amount of learnt and sorting/filtering everything in a right category. Tho sheet was really effective as i was quickly able to look up every word i learned from a certain category and store it in my memory. Now that I’m well over 1k words I’m trying to find ways to categorize nouns and filter verbs and adjectives… Does anybody have this approach?

  3. Can someone help understand what the author means by 生きることは推奨されず、「社会の準正規メンバー」として順応することを期待される社会では

    What does he mean that society is not encouraged to “live as children” and and have to “adapt to living as a semi member of society l

    I understand what he is saying but I don’t understand what his argument or point is here

    Full context


  4. Is there a reason the 父 in “お父さん ” is pronounced as とう when that’s not one of its listed pronunciations? I only ever see フ and ちち
    associated with it.

  5. Was anyone else surprised the first time they got their hands on a Japanese book? Compared to standard English size they’re extremely tiny lol. I kinda like it more, makes them more portable and lightweight. Also, the dust jackets are a nice touch, something that English paperbacks could look at

  6. Have some questions about these sentence ending particles

    > 何かが告げている。この奇妙な身体の感覚に、すべてを委ねてしまってはならない。己を譲り渡してしまってはならない、と。


    > 心の底で、もうひとつ、静かな声が聞こえていた。──これも、すでに、自分なのだ、という声が。

    > ヴァンは目をつぶったまま深く息を吸い、それから、ゆっくりと目を開けた。

    Context:ヴァン is the protag. He’s feels like something is telling him to let go of himself.

    What do that と and が really mean?

    I think this is like, “Something was telling (him to do something). He must not lose himself to this strange body sensation. Must not turn himself over (と). ”

    I guess the と might be a quote like, とおもいます, or something. But IDK, maybe it’s と like, “with” and the next part is about this voice, and that’s what it’s with?

    This part I think says:

    > 心の底で、もうひとつ、静かな声が聞こえていた。──これも、すでに、自分なのだ、という声が。

    “In the bottom of his heart, one time again, quiet voice is heard. (because?) this too, is already the voice which is called me. (maybe it means it’s his voice, basically).”

    I think this が might mean “because”, perhaps. But IDK.

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