Why do they sometimes write a japanese title in katakana next to the kanji and not in hiragana?

I always thought that katakana was mainly used for foreign names and words but lately i often saw cases where a title of japanese game names were written in kanji and then next to it or below in katakana. I was thinking that maybe writing the name in kana was made to make it more clear (I might be totally wrong) since one kanji can have several ways to be read. So why are the names if they are japanese anyway not written in hiragana? One example I found is 閃の軌跡 センノキセキ


  1. When you learn about the Japanese writing system, you learn some general rules as to how each script is used. However, like most rules in language, they are often “broken”. In many cases, which writing system is used is often just a stylistic choice on the part of the writer, *especially* when it’s katakana.

  2. Katakana has a wealth of potential uses.

    A lot of times in manga or light novels it can be used to show that a non native Japanese character is speaking stilted thick accented Japanese.

    It can also be used to represent the stereotypical staccato way robots talk.

    Just to give a couple examples.

    It can also just be a random aesthetic thing. Which is what I’m assuming is happening in this case.

  3. As an aside, the text in video games was often written entirely in katakana back in the day. It was for memory reasons.

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