Stuck in life

Hi community!

I’m a 26 years old guy from a south european country that in theory is “lucky”. But my story is not perfect.

Right after I graduated from a technical degree I started working as a software developer and it’s been already 2.5 years.
I started a bachelor’s in an online university but I didn’t have the time to do both things so I quit.

I literally saved all my income every single month and I was able recently to get a mortgage for a small apartment in my city for which I’m so proud.

But I feel I’m not as happy as I should be… I live in a cool city, cosmopolitan, with many cool things to do but I lack the motivation of making plans or getting involved. Even though now I have more expenses (mortgage, taxes, bills, groceries etc) I save a lot since I also rent a room to a friend.

My main motivation (that started when I started living abroad) is studying japanese and actually I’m planning to live there in the future because I’m so amazed by the culture and society.

I went on a short trip recently and got the chance to meet many amazing people and I really felt alive, I couldn’t almost sleep and I really took advantage of the time visiting many places, making friends and also a very special person to me now. Once I came back and routine hit back I realized I should do something.

I feel I’m so curious and willing to travel and live more abroad and the routine is making me lazy and stupid. The only thing that keeps me active is running some language exchange events where I can practice and meet people from my country target (and I also make some paid events which I get some profit so is nice)

So I feel kinda trapped and with many doubts about what should I do.

I could stay here and keep getting experience as software developer and saving money and maybe in 5 years I could get a much better apartment at the center or a big house in the suburbs but I doubt whether if that will make me happy.

The other option is staying here 1-2 years more to get more experience (I’m doing many courses on Udemy atm and preparing an AWS certification) make enough savings to support myself without working for 1-2 years and then quit my job, rent my apartment and move there to study 1-2 years the language in an academy and try to get a job there.

Also I’m in a long distance relationship with a japanese girl and we’re planning to live together, she’s going to come here next year.

What do you guys think is the best option for me?

Sorry for such a long text and thanks for your time!

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