Ice cream advice

Earlier in the year (June) I travelled to Tokyo for a work trip and got an ice cream from the freezer at my hotels Lawson. It looked like a watermelon and the seeds were chocolate. The last 2 weeks I’ve been in Japan and haven’t been able to find it. Can anyone help me locate this delicious treat, also what other ice creams do you recommend?

  1. You had *Suikaba/スイカバー.* It’s sold only in summer, from some time in June, usually, until some time in September. I used to special order them by the case and eat six per day until I married and my spouse asked me to cut it to three.

    As a substitute, try *Garigarikun*/ガリガリ君. There are various flavors, but for me the original blue one is the best. It’s sold year round.

  2. I’d like to kindly recommend [Cremia (クレミア)](! They’re technically soft cream, not ice cream but they’re just the perfect treat if you like milky, creamy & velvety cold dessert 🙂 They’re sold everywhere, from a random souvenir shop to cafes. IIRC Excelsior Cafe serves it, but they’re everywhere (just be on the look out for banners / statues that feature them).

    Another recommendation if you like ice cream: [del’immo café]( is another must try! It’s a parfait shop. The link connects you to their Instagram, look up their beautiful parfaits! I promise they taste just as good as they look. If you have time, be sure to pop up at their Hibiya Branch!

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