Own Deck vs Pre-made Deck

Which one is best to use ?

So I’m at around N3 level but my vocabulary knowledge isn’t good enough, I tried to read some easy novels but I have to look up many words

And I stopped using Anki since last 3 months

But bow I think I should give it a shot again…….I was also making my own deck (It doesn’t have the most basic words because I already knew them , It mainly consist of those words that I don’t know) and I already crossed 2k words and it also has an advantage
Because I made all these cards using the kanji study app , the words are hyperlinked to that app so I don’t need to manually select them and search them up to lookup the kanji , I just need to click on the word and it redirects to the app

I have core2k/6k , Core 2.3k , Core 10k
(Downside:- I have to manually select them to look-up kanji)

I don’t really get time to immerse and to pick new words
(I only read news articles because of time shortage)

I can do either of one

•Balance between immersion and Anki
•Totally Anki

(I also tried total immersion without Anki , but I wasn’t making any real progress so I dropped that idea , Grammar isn’t an issue for me but vocabulary is)

  1. pre made at the start to build a vocab base, then your own after you can immerse and start consuming native level material

  2. Both can be good. Making your own deck is generally better because you can make one based on content you consume. This way, your Anki reviews and your immersion practice will reinforce each other. That being said, it can be a lot of effort make a good deck (especially if make sentences, try get audio etc.) and at the beginning it’s probably best to just drill common vocab with something like core2k.

  3. I recommend premade decks if you can find a relevant deck for what you are reading. The time savings from premade are great in theory, but finding quality decks that match what you are reading can be difficult.

    Curious — why do you use news articles for immersion over manga? Manga has repeated vocab which can limit lookups, tends to have premade decks, and can also be accessed easily if you have digital versions.

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