Summer in Japan doesn’t feel like a Japanese summer this year, many are saying

Summer in Japan doesn’t feel like a Japanese summer this year, many are saying

  1. Considering that rainy season was declared to be finished but this week is cool and rainy. I felt very comfortable turning off all our ACs these last few days.

  2. We’ve got plenty of hydrangeas up here. Lack of mosquitoes is completely normal in Hokkaido too.

  3. Is Japan now even more unique and special since in addition to having all four seasons, their summers occasionally don’t seem like summer?

  4. Oh shit where ARE the cicadas?

    I feel like though everybody (myself included) just kinda forget what summer was like until it rolls around again. Climate change is probably not helping though.

  5. Some article writer either hasn’t been here very long, has a very short memory about weather and the seasons, or is trying to freak people out about climate change. About as usual.

    Hydrangeas all over here in the Kobe area. About as usual. Had some gorgeous colors this year, too. Nothing “burned” about them over here! Maybe they used too much fertilizer; that’ll “burn” them.

    Cicadas usually aren’t out and singing until late July and August in Kobe, so they’re not even noticeably late. I’ve already shot pictures of young ones in the trees here. They won’t sing until they’re old enough. About as usual.

    Mosquitos? They always come out in force a few weeks after the rains finish (their larvae must first grow in water, remember?). This year our rains were late, so the majority of mosquitoes are late.

    Geesh, people. Get a clue. every bloody year isn’t the same.

  6. Is this another Sora24 “we quote 3 Twitter randos and claim it’s a trend” article?

  7. Japanese people complaining? Shocking! News at 9!

    (Don’t talk about the yen value tanking. ..)

  8. How so? In Osaka there were several weeks through June to enjoy the hydrangeas. The rainy season was short, but it’s hotter than shit now, just as it should be. I’ve been seeing cicada skins everywhere the last few days and just started hearing them, too, right on schedule here at the beginning of July. It’s not so different from other years.

  9. I live in Kobe, this article is mostly bullshit. Cicades, mosquitos…everything is as annoying as always lol.

    Though hydrangeas are actually having a hard time this year.

  10. But next year, believe me, we’ll have a beautiful summer, the most Japanese summer ever, many people are saying it…

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