How long do you stay in a coffee shop?

To work, study, in the chain ones like starbucks tully doutor, or non-chain.

  1. I try to read the air and when I sense that I have overstayed, I quickly gather my belongings and slide anonymously out the doors.

  2. I have stayed like for 4 hours or even longer. I don’t care unless it’s crowded. In other words, I do care when the place gets busy. I used to be a remote worker or student so I did that often especially in Starbucks and McDonald’s.

  3. If it’s not busy (seats available for newcomers) and a large cafe, up to a good few hours with at least a couple spread out coffee purchases. If it’s busy, or a small indie cafe I’d probably spend up to an hour

  4. From 20min up to 8 hours. I feel like I can stay as long as I want if I buy one drink per hour.
    Staying more than one hour without ordering anything would be a nuisance.

  5. 1-2 hours. But read the non-verbal signs. If its getting busier, and you’re done – its a good time to leave

  6. Usually 1-3 hours I guess, but I have camped out for marathon study/reading sessions before. I wouldn’t do it if the place was busy. Starbucks used to have branches in Kyoto that stayed open till like 2am iirc, so I would go there and read late at night until closing, then bicycle back home.

    I can’t believe that was 10 years ago 😳

  7. Chains, as long as you want. I work from a dotour most Saturdays and it’s been peachy. I see the same squatters there all the time. Ma and pa shops vary, gotta read the air.

  8. I don’t drink coffee, so I never go to them. As for family restaurants, as soon as I finish eating. I really don’t get why people stay to study, read, work, etc. I do that stuff at home.

  9. Probably just an hour. There are always people there for much longer though. I think it’s fine to hang around as long as you buy something and new customers can get seats.

  10. Starbucks for 2-5 hours and just the one drink. If it’s extremely busy then I’ll consider my options.

  11. If people are looking for a table then as long as it takes to finish my food/drink. If I stay longer then I always keep buying drinks to allow myself more table time. I don’t know if it’s because I owned a cafe in the past or my social anxiety but I don’t want to be a parasite. (3 hours on a single cup is stealing imo)

  12. I stay around 4 hours. I usually go to the cafes with a few people that have a second floor. I never go to busy cafes with no second floor

  13. Usually until my coffee is gone.

    If it’s not so busy I’ll either sip it slow and work/read for awhile which can be up to 2 hours… Sometimes I’ll relax a bit even after i finish but I’ll usually be out within half hour of finishing.

    But if it’s during peak times, I’ll pretty much leave as soon as I’m done so someone else can have a seat.

    When it’s during the peak hours and I’m about to finish, I look for people that have already ordered and paid and are actively looking for a seat while waiting for their order and allow them to put their bag or something else down to save their seat before leaving.

    It annoys me so much when there are 50 people in line and/or waiting and someone walks into the store and “saves” a table for multiple people without even having ordered then goes back outside to wait for their friends.

  14. This is one of the cases where ‘when in rome, don’t do as the romans do’ applies.

    Really drives me up the wall when our Starbucks is 90% occupied by high schoolers nursing half a mouthful of coffee for 5 hours. Japanese people treat cafes like an extension of the library. We should just drink our drinks slowly while studying, then leave a little while after we’ve finished. It’s the only polite way.

    If there’s space it obviously doesn’t matter though, but there usually isn’t during popular hours.

  15. At most 2h I would say, but did that only when I was a student or when I’m out with friends and we are chatting.

  16. Usually until I can feel my ass crack getting sufficiently sweaty that it’s going to show through on my trousers.

    I do buy a few coffees but only because I get thirsty easily, not because I somehow feel “obliged” (think how much they’re charging for *one* cup of coffee, nobody needs to fell sorry for/indebted to Starbucks).

    Plenty of people just sit there for what seems to be forever looking at their phones (not even working/studying, of course it’s their right to do so) without buying lots of drinks/snacks, so if they can do it so can I.

    I’ve never seen anyone get told to leave because they had stayed “too long” (some places have signs saying please leave after X time but the one I go to doesn’t so whatever).

  17. 40 mins max for all food drink establishments. Everything beyond that is loitering in my mind. But I have a car, I can loiter there.

  18. It depends on the shop and how many people there are. Usually I go by thumb of rule to buy a drink every 90-100 minutes at the least. If I stay above 4h (which is more rare recently) would swap to non caffeine to not block the restroom for other customers. Also helps if they sell small snacks. The longest I stayed wasbprobably 6-7h when I was on exam crunch.

  19. Not exactly answering your question but on the same topic.

    It drives me nuts when people there studying or working like to take all the table seating and camp there hours. I’ve seen people and myself included like mothers with strollers, groups of people, etc come in and walk back out again because all the table seating are taken by asswipes with computers who don’t want to sit at the counter, which is more designed to accommodate those people. I don’t care how long people are there for but I wish they could read the room and be more accommodating

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