Mediocre salary, but rich in time. What should I do for my future?

I make enough money to get by, but not really enough to save. I spend about 2-3万円/month on fun stuff because I’d rather enjoy life now than put that money away and hope to live to be old and on top of that healthy while old.

I work a job that I’m reasonably content with teaching for about 5hrs/day five days a week. This job is definitely a dead end, but most other jobs in this sphere would have me working 15+ more hours a week for about a 10-20% pay raise, which for me, I’d much rather just keep my free time and mental health.

But I’m having a bit of a reflective crisis wondering if I’m just going to do this the rest of my life, working, having lots of time to chill but not having enough money to do anything big like go on vacations or buy a house etc.

All advice is welcome. As for now, I recently decided I’d try and put my free time to better use and focus on hobbies that could become marketable to some degree in the future. The plan for now is to alternate between using most my free time for Japanese studying and using most my free time for miniature painting 1 week at a time. Train up on both those things with my downtime and see if they take me anywhere. I have to wait 5 years more to get PR, which I believe is more or less needed for opening your own business, but long term once I do get PR, I have toyed around with the idea of opening my own English language school.

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