Software developer jobs(startups) in Japan: are these red flags?

Hi guys. I am not a Japanese citizen but want to have a software developer job in Japan.
I’ve experienced several job interviews for software developer jobs in Japan. Most of them were web application developer positions with more than 2YOE, and the companies are all startups.I have turned down a few offers and a few others are still on process, but some of the jobs I’ve applied for are like this:

1. technical interviews are by no means in depth: only asking experiences in something like AWS and GCP, and no algorithm/system design related questions
2. a large portion of the company business is SIer
3. a few other open positions are for people with no programming experiences(未経験)

I really want to move to Japan but at the same time I am kinda afraid of those “BLACK” companies. I understand it is easy to exploit foreigners due to their lack of information about the society and unstable status(VISA). So as a software developer, are these red flags or kinda normal to ordinary Japanese startups?

\*FYI, SIer job is mainly about developing a product for other companies(受託開発, see: I don’t know the counterpart terminology in the Western IT ecosystem.

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